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Jars of clay

Jars of Clay is an evangelical Christian music group formed at Greenville College, Illinois. The group is appreciated for its unique blend of pop, folk, rock, and electronic, and for its way of communicating its spiritual values ​​through its music. The religious themes, acoustic guitars and preprogrammed percussion loops of their first songs have made them a reference in Christian rock despite the absence of a permanent drummer and bassist in the band. The group uses artists such as Joe Porter and Aaron Sands to fill this role.

The name of the group comes from a verse from the Bible, 2 Corinthians 4.7: But this treasure we carry in the vases made of clay (jars of clay in English) that we are, for that it is the extraordinary power of God that manifests itself, and not our own capacity (version The Lord's Bible). On their first album is a hidden piece called "Four Seven" which paraphrases the verse.

The charity Blood: Water Mission was founded in 2004 by Jars of Clay singer Dan Haseltine following a landmark trip to Africa. This organization aims to help the African continent with regard to AIDS and the supply of drinking water.

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