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Dandy warhols

Dandy warhols The Dandy Warhols is an American psychedelic pop band from Portland, Oregon.

The name of the group is a play on the name of the American artist Andy Warhol, central figure of pop art.

The Dandy Warhols is formed in 1994 by Courtney Taylor-Taylor and Peter Holmström. Strongly influenced by The Velvet Underground, the band begins to play psychedelic pop, and it receives essential support in Europe after the release of the album ... The Dandy Warhols Come Down. When Hedford left the band in 1999, he was replaced by Brent DeBoer, a Taylor-Taylor cousin. The song Every Day Should Be a Holiday, from the second album ... The Dandy Warhols Come Down, is part of the soundtrack of the Brothers Farrelly, Mary at all costs.

After the release of their third album, Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia in 2000, the group gained a fan base through university radio before receiving public recognition. In 2002 the song Bohemian Like You became a hit in England, after being used in a Vodafone commercial. This song is also part of the soundtrack of the television series Buffy the Vampires, the generic video game 24 Hours of Le Mans (Infograms) on Playstation, as well as in the animated series Souris City. In 2013, it is used as a generic Pop Redemption movie. The songs Godless and Nietzsche are part of the soundtrack of the Peter Howitt Antitrust movie.

Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran participates in 2003 in the development of Welcome to the Monkey House to the electronic rock sound.

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