Deathspell Omega is a French black metal band from Poitiers.
Deathspell Omega was formed in 1998 in Poitiers, Vienne. A year later, in July 1999, the band released its first EP demo entitled Disciples of the Ultimate Void to the Drakkar Productions label, limited to 66 copies.
A year passes before the publication of their first studio album, Infernal Battles, in 2000>. In 2001 they split with Clandestine Blaze, and another split with Moonblood entitled Sob A Lua Do Bode / Demoniac Vengeance. In 2002, they perform a split with Mütiilation>.
In February 2004, the group released its studio album Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice, which is well received by the specialized press >>>. Especially for the webzine Thrashocore, "the group maintains a very personal vision of Satanism, between praise and exaltation, while being at the antipodes of all stereotypes of the genre>. "
In 2005, Deathspell Omega publishes the EP Kénôse. The title defines "the theology of the stripping and lowering of God, who - out of love - extracts from his spiritual person notions such as omnipotence, omniscience, glory, etc. > ... " The EP is very well received by all the specialized press >>>. In 2007, the group publishes Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum, once again well received by the specialized press, and named best album of the year by the British magazine Terrorizer >>>.