Forgotten Tales is a Canadian power metal band from Quebec City, Quebec. Formed in 1999 by René Pineault, Forgotten Tales involves members previously involved in a hard rock band called Cyclone. In October 2001, the group officially announced the release of their first album, The Promise , on the Canadian market.
Forgotten Tales was formed in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, in October 1999 under the leadership of René Pineault, with the goal of bringing to Canada the power metal movement that was widespread in Europe at that time. Forgotten Tales is, originally, a group of covers devoted to female voices. The members were previously involved in a local hard rock band called Cyclone, which will release an eponymous album in 1995 including the song Children's Games. Forgotten Tales produces a few sold-out shows before hosting the first part of the Finnish Nightwish band in November 2000 in Montreal. From then on, the idea of producing an album of original compositions germinated quickly in the group's mind.
Forgotten Tales decides to become a full-fledged group in 2001>. The band consists of musicians Sonia Pineault (vocals), Martin Desharnais (guitar), Patrick Vir (bass), Mike Bélanger (drums) and Frédérick Desroches (keyboard), offering a sound from old countries. The presence of a female voice in a world of men, gives them a different sound and offers a metal music tinged with classic influences, baroque and progressive. It stands out for its dynamism and speed without neglecting the musicality. In April 2001, the band entered the studio to make their first album entitled The Promise with Quebec sound engineer Pierre Rémillard. The album is mixed at Studio Victor in Montreal>. In October 2001, the group officially announced the release of their first album, The Promise , on the Canadian market.
After the many positive reviews from various media (websites, fanzines, radio stations, journals) around the world, the group is dedicated to the composition of their second album. In May 2002, the group took over the first part of the German group Edguy, in Quebec City. In November 2002, the band returns to the stage with power metal band Gamma Ray. It was at the end of October 2003 that the band entered the studio to record their second album titled All the Sinners. They spend nearly six months at the Studio Menzo in Quebec City with the sound engineer Pierre Talbot to refine their music. The Japanese company M & I announces the official release of the album scheduled for August 18, 2004>, two weeks before the Canadian release and adds the unpublished play Children's Games. Hellion Records offers a distribution of the title in Brazil.