You can help by adding links to GISM ( ギ ズ ム , Gizumu < span class = "t_nihongo_icon" style = "color: # 00e; font: bold 80% sans-serif; text-decoration: none; padding: 0 .1em;" >> ) , stylized GISM , is a hardcore Japanese punk band from Tokyo. Although his guitar style looks like heavy metal in many ways, GISM is one of the first Japanese hardcore punk bands.
The acronym GISM has different variations; They include: Guerrilla Incendiary Sabotage Mutineer, God In The Schizoid Mind, Murder General Socialism, Genocide Infanticide Suicide Menticide, Gay Individual Social Mean, Gothic Incest Sex Machine, Gore Impromptu Suicide Mine and Gnostic Idiosyncrasy Militant Sonic. The Roadrunner Records label ranks Sakevi Yokoyama 49> among its top 50 "best metal singers of all time" .
GISM performs its first concert in 1981 at the University of Tokyo. In 1983, they participate in the compilation Great Punk Hits>. In 1984, GISM released his first album, Detestation, on Dogma Records.