The Indigo Girls is a folk rock duo from Atlanta, Georgia, composed of Amy Ray and Emily Saliers. The two women met in elementary school and started playing together in Decatur, Georgia, in the Atlanta metropolitan area. They took the name Indigo Girls as a student at Emory University, performing weekly at "Dugout", a bar in Emory Village.
They released a full-length album that they produced Strange Fire in 1987 and signed a contract with a major record label in 1988. After releasing nine albums with major labels from 1987 to 2007, they have now resumed albums produced by them with their own company "IG Recordings".
In addition to working on duet-related projects, Ray has released eight solo albums and founded a non-profit organization that promotes independent musicians, while Saliers is both a restaurant entrepreneur and a professional writer. she has also produced a solo album. And she also collaborates with her father, Don Saliers, on shows for special groups and causes. Saliers and Ray are both lesbian and active in political and environmental causes.
First years
Amy Ray and Emily Saliers met for the first time and got to know each other as students at Laurel Ridge Elementary School in DeKalb County, Georgia, near Decatur, Georgia, but no were not close friends, since Saliers was in an older class than Ray. While attending Shamrock High School (now Druid Hills High School), they became more familiar and began to play together, first as "The B-Band", then as that of "Saliers and Ray".