Judy and Mary is a Japanese group of J-pop from the 1990s. It was formed in 1992 with the meeting of the bassist Yoshihito Onda (恩 田 快 人) and the vocalist Yuki Isoya (磯 谷 有 希) , in Hakodate, Hokkaido. Drummer Kohta Igarashi (五十 嵐 公 太) and guitarist Takuya Asanuma (浅沼 拓 也) then joined the band.
His debut album Be Ambitious was released in 1992, with a video clip, at an independent label. Noticed by Sony Records, their first single with this major is Power of Love, in 1993. Their first album, JAM, was released in 1994. Each release of album makes them rise in popularity, until becoming one of the most known groups from Japan.
After releasing six albums, two best-of and several singles, the band is dissolved in 2001.
Yuki is now a solo career, and Takuya is playing with his band Robots.
Yoshihito Onda plays since 2008 in the group Zamza N'Banshee in which he wears the pseudonym BANSHEE ALIOUXCE.
Kohta Igarashi also plays in this group but has kept for name: Kohta.