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Tegan and Sara Without ',' Doulos SIL ',' Lucida Grande ',' Segoe UI ',' Arial Unicode MS ',' Adobe Pi Std ',' Lucida Sans Unicode ',' Chrysanthi Unicode ', Code2000, Gentium, GentiumAlt,' TITUS Cyberbit Basic ',' Bitstream Vera Sans', 'Bitstream Cyberbit', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', 'Matrix Unicode', sans-serif; "> / tiːɡən ənd sɛərə / ) is a Canadian pop rock band from from Alberta. The group consists of twins Tegan Rain Quin and Sara Keirsten Quin, born September 19, 1980. Their music is constantly evolving, bathing in folk, rock and pop.
Tegan and Sara were born in Calgary, Alberta. Among Tegan's dreams as a child, she wanted to become a clown, become a veterinarian for arctic polar bears and become a rock star while Sara wanted to move to Boston to be a lawyer.
In 1997, they use their school's recording studio to record their first two demos: Who's in Your Band? and Play Day . In 1998, three other demos will appear: Yellow Tape , The Orange Tape and The Red Tape .