The Mad Capsule Markets, originally known as The Mad Capsule Market's and Berrie, is a Japanese electronic and punk rock band from Yokohama. It was formed in 1985 and separated in 2006 In 1985, during their high school years, singer Hiroshi Kyono and guitarist Minoru Kojima formed the punk rock band Berrie. A year later, the duo was joined by bassist Takeshi Ueda and drummer Seto, becoming a quartet and playing in Battle of the Bands competitions. The band records a three-track demo cassette entitled P.O.P. More aggressive than the first opus, it was censored, which caused outrage among the members. The lyrics are written by bassist Takeshi Ueda inspired by Marxism whose themes are political. From 1990, their musical style became punk influenced by Killing Joke, Aburadako, The Stalin, and the Yellow Magic Orchestra.