The Tiny Toons "Tiny Toon Adventures" ) is a 30-minute, 30-minute American animated television series created by Tom Ruegger, produced by Steven Spielberg and aired between 14 September 1990 and 28 May 1995. The pilot aired on CBS, the two first seasons were syndicated until 1992, then in the Fox Kids programming block.
In France, the series was broadcast from January 26, 1991 in the show Décode pas Bunny on Canal +. Rebroadcast in the show Pince-moi I dream in April 1992 on Antenne 2, in Télévisator 2, and Warner Studio on France 2, in the Minikeums on France 3 and finally on Boomerang and Boing. In Quebec, the series was broadcast, first on Radio-Canada, then on Télétoon Rétro.
At Loonyversity ACME, young Toons such as Babs and Buster Bunny are trying to study and become true cartoon legends like their master Bugs, Porky, Daffy and others. But unfortunately for them, the path of glory is long and fraught with difficulties. They will have to prove themselves and solve funny and unexpected situations over the episodes before reaching the rank of stars. In addition the parents of the protagonists have the invisible face.
The scenario of the Buster episode and the wolverine is an adaptation to the Tiny Toons sauce of the musical tale of Sergei Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf.