We Are the Ocean is a post-hardcore and alternative British rock band from Loughton, Essex, England. It separates in 2017.
Dan Brown and Jack Spence are former members of the Dead But Still Dreaming band, and once their band is separated, form a new group with new members.
They formed in 2007 with Liam Cromby, Rickie Bloom and Tom Whittaker, but still under the name of Dead But Still Dreaming. After a while, Bloom leaves the group and is eventually replaced by Alfie Scully. Shortly after this stabilized training, the group decided to rename We Are the Ocean.
The group is becoming more popular thanks to its MySpace profile and is named Best New UK Group at Kerrang !, and voted Best Independent Group by K! Readers. They released their first EP called We Are the Ocean in 2008, with 1,000 copies sold in a day.