The White Stripes is an American rock band from Detroit, Michigan. He trained in 1997 with Jack White (John Anthony Gillis) on vocals, guitar, piano and writing, and Meg White (Megan Martha White) on drums, vocals and piano. The group separates on February 2, 2011>.
Appearing as brother and sister (but in fact ex-husband, married in 1996>, then divorced four years later, in 2000), Jack White and Meg White (drums and vocals), released their first album The White Stripes in 1999.
Senior high school student Jack Gillis meets Meg White at the Memphis Smoke-the restaurant where she worked and read her poems in "open mic" every night>. They become friends and begin to frequent bars, clubs, and music stores in the area. At that time, Gillis was already playing drums with fellow musicians, like Brian Muldoon and Justin Stockton >>>. In 1994, he played drums in the cowpunk group Goober and the Peas >>>>>.
Gillis and White get married on September 21st, 1996 >>>; contrary to tradition, he takes the name of his wife >>>. Shortly after, Goober and the Peas split up, but Jack continues to play in other bands such as garage punk The Go (from the guitar on Whatcha Doin '), The Hentchmen, and Two-Star Tabernacle> . In 1997 - the day of the French National Day> - Meg begins to learn the drums. The couple then throws their group, hesitating with names such as Bazooka and Soda Powder, and finally settles under the name of The White Stripes.