Mütiilation is a group ( one man band ) of French black metal affiliated with the Black Legions, originally from Grabels, in France. Hérault. The band's musical style is extremely black and tortured, also taking on strange atmospheres. Mütiilation is one of the main representatives of the French black metal underground.
Mütiilation was formed in 1991 in Montpellier by Meyhna'ch>, and quickly put under the aegis of the Black Legions >>>. After many demos-tapes is the release, in 1995, of their first album Vampires of Black Imperial Blood to the label Drakkar Productions (which remains the only long-lasting album of the Black Legions) which will announce the beginning of a long career. This first album is published in 1000 copies. The band's second album, Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul , was released in 1999; it's actually an unpublished studio recording made before the first album. It is well received by the specialized press >>>>>.
The group, consisting of Meyhna'ch as a single member, reappears six years later, in 2001 with the album Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn) . Follow Majestas Leprosus in 2003 and Rattenkönig in 2005>. All of the group's works are released in limited edition (one thousand for the first two albums), the original series sometimes reach dizzying prices and bootlegs are popping up everywhere. Official reissues are also planned to overcome this intensive piracy. Meyhnach announces the dissolution of the group on December 8, 2009>.
The group is back on stage in 2015 participating in Hellfest>. At the end of 2015, Osmose Productions announces the reissue of the albums "Majestas Leprosus" (2003), Rattenkönig (2005) and Sorrow Galaxies (2007)>.