Tenacious D is an American satirical hard rock band from Los Angeles, California. The band is a duo of musicians and actors Jack Black and Kyle Gass who are both singers and acoustic guitarists. The group was formed in 1994 as an acoustic duo. The group became popular in 1999 appearing in the television series of the same name and providing the first part of world-famous groups.
In 2001, they released Tenacious D, their first recorded album in the company of a group of well-known figures from the rock scene such as Dave Grohl, singer and guitarist of Foo Fighters, and former drummer of Nirvana. The first single , Tribute is a great success placing them in the Top 10 American music ratings for the first time until the release of the song The Metal in 2006, thanks to its presence in the video game Guitar Hero III brings them back to the front of the stage and to become known to a wider audience. In 2006, they wrote, produced and composed the soundtrack of the film "Tenacious D" in The Pick of Destiny which is a comedy tracing the fictional rise of group at the top of the rock scene. As a promotion to the film, Tenacious D is touring the world with three more musicians.
Tenacious D is characterized by its theatrical aspect, led masterfully by Jack Black's humorous mimicry and Kyle Gass's guitarist talents, who play in a second degree register by having created characters charismatic and funny. Critics have even called " Mock Rock " ("rock dummy") to their rock and absurd musical style. Their songs speak mainly about their musical and sexual prowess as well as their friendship and the use of soft drugs in a style close to rock operas.
Initially, Jack Black and Kyle Gass, both musicians and actors at the same time, are two members of a Los Angeles theater troupe called "The Actors Gang" span> led by Tim Robbins >>>. They get to know each other better in Edinburgh, Scotland, during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe of 1989>. Initially, he develops a certain enmity between Black and Gass, Gass feeling threatened by Black who was the main musician of the troupe. Finally, Black and Gass manage to resolve their differences and Gass teaches Black to play guitar, while Black helps Gass play comedy. Encouraged by Black's vocal talents, Gass decides to start a band >>>.